Monday, August 24, 2020

Health Literacy Essay

This year points one of the most critical years throughout the entire existence of the United States of America. The appointment of 2008 will get under way another time for the US. With an intermediary president as of now in office there is a 100 percent chance that things are going to change. One of the hot catch issues during the crusade season is social insurance. Be that as it may, so as to change medicinal services, the United States should initially be wellbeing educated. So as to do so the accompanying ought to be known: the meaning of wellbeing proficiency, what wellbeing education abilities are and why they are significant, the history behind wellbeing proficiency, and how wellbeing education influences the economy. To start with, to become wellbeing proficient one must know the meaning of this term. Being wellbeing educated doesn't mean heading out to the rec center ordinary or attempting the best in class craze diet. Wellbeing education can best be characterized as â€Å"The degree to which people have the ability to get, process, and comprehend essential wellbeing data and administrations expected to settle on proper wellbeing choices (2000). † It truly is very fundamental in definition yet is some way or another being neglected in the United States today. The enormous issue isn't that US residents are settling on imprudent decisions with regards to social insurance. The large issue is that US residents don't have the foggiest idea how to get the data about the correct choices, process a set in stone choice or even comprehend fundamental data that relates the to medicinal services and other wellbeing administrations. As indicated by the National Network of Libraries of Medicine, wellbeing proficiency incorporates the accompanying: â€Å"The capacity to comprehend guidelines on professionally prescribed medication bottles, arrangement slips, clinical instruction pamphlets, doctor’s bearings and assent structures, and the capacity to arrange complex social insurance frameworks (Glassman, 2008). † Be careful about the term education. Being wellbeing educated isn't simply being able to peruse. Wellbeing education â€Å"requires an unpredictable gathering of perusing, tuning in, explanatory, and dynamic aptitudes, and the capacity to apply these abilities to wellbeing circumstances (Glassman, 2008). † To realize how to give wellbeing proficiency something to do in a nation that is moving towards being focused on the shopper, the purchaser must have wellbeing education aptitudes. It appears as though every outing to the doctor’s office consistently begins with a pile of structures, polls, and individual data sheets. From the beginning the patient’s wellbeing education is being tried. Some different undertakings that a patient must do are as per the following: â€Å"evaluate data for believability and precision, investigate dangers and prizes, ascertain measurements, decipher test results, and find extra wellbeing data (Glassman, 2008). † It is not entirely obvious a portion of these aptitudes, yet the reality remains that a major bit of individuals in the United States do no have these abilities. Misjudging a remedy that cost $150 could get really costly. In any case, so as to scrutinize wellbeing proficiency aptitudes, the patient/buyer must be â€Å"visually educated, PC proficient, data educated, and numerically educated (Glassman, 2008). † So where and when did this large push for the country to be educated in medical problems originated from? In 1998 the American Medical Association (AMA) was the principal gathering to advocate the conviction that wellbeing ignorant patients influence clinical analysis and medicines (AMA, 2007). A similar article additionally expressed that â€Å"poor wellbeing proficiency is a more grounded indicator of a person’s wellbeing than age, salary, work status, instruction level, and race. † Being wellbeing educated or ignorant can make you more youthful or more seasoned! The greatest push the make the United States a wellbeing proficient country may very well originated from this detail. â€Å"Individuals with constrained wellbeing education bring about clinical costs that are up to multiple times more prominent than patients with satisfactory proficiency abilities, costing the human services framework billions of dollars consistently in superfluous specialist visits and medical clinic stays (AMA, 2007). † That is billions not millions! Billions of dollars are lost yearly do to patients missing a doctor’s visit and follow-up arrangements, taking drugs of timetable, and not having the option to comprehend â€Å"take on a void stomach† (Glassman, 2008). † Being wellbeing uneducated doesn't affect only the individual, yet the general public in general. Wellbeing education has an enormous move in the economy. The National Academy on an Aging Society assessed that extra wellbeing cost because of a low pace of wellbeing proficiency was over $73 billion out of 1998 dollars (NAAS, 1998). That number would be a lot bigger ten years after the fact. Likewise, those with low wellbeing proficiency may have less visit to the specialist yet wind up utilizing more clinic assets than the individuals who are wellbeing proficient (Glassman, 2008). Subsequently, the more emergency clinic assets utilized, the more costly medicinal services becomes. Every individual isn't just influencing their own financial balance, however they are influencing somebody else’s too. It is very frightening that a country as cutting edge as the United States could be this uneducated with regards to a significant issue like human services. Not having the option to address essential inquiries on a study or clinical history structure is a major issue. Not having the option to follow headings on a remedy suppress can end costing billions of dollars. All the more significantly, not realizing how to peruse and follow basic bearings like â€Å"take on void stomach† can wind up costing a real existence. Wellbeing proficiency is a significant issue in this nation. It is an issue that must be tended to. No longer can the United States bear to leave a huge number of dollars alone spend stupidly in our social insurance frameworks. The proof is there. Presently it is the ideal opportunity for an answer. The time has come to start instructing individuals of all financial status of how to appropriately deal with their clinical issues. Proceeding to overlook a wellbeing uneducated country will just prompt more cash being squandered and more individuals languishing. An opportunity to begin a positive change is presently. Declining to react and teach individuals both youthful and old will just make United States significantly progressively broke and wiped out. Instructing legitimate wellbeing proficiency won't fix any issues, yet it can help forestall them. References AMA Foundation, (2007, September 04). Wellbeing proficiency. Recovered January 30, 2008, from Health Literacy Web website: http://www. ama-assn. organization/ama/bar/class/8115. html Glassman, Penny (2008, January 17). Wellbeing education. Recovered January 30, 2008, from Health Literacy Web website: http://nnlm. gov/outreach/buyer/hlthlit. html The Center for Health Care Strategies and National Academy on an Aging Society, (1998). Reality sheet. Recovered January 30, 2008, from National Academy on an Aging Society Web website: http://www. agingsociety. organization/agingsociety/distributions/reality/fact_low. html United States Department of Health and Human Services, (2000). Sound People 2010. Recovered January 30, 2008, from Healthy People 2010 Web website: http://www. healthypeople. gov/Document/pdf/uih/2010uih. pdf.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Diversity in Law Enforcement the Report Free Essays

The Everly Police Department is confronting an issue where there isn't a strategy or system in which protests from the recently framed Diversity Complaint Bureau can follow to determine the grumblings that are being submitted. Examination As of late a report was made open by the Minority Police Officers Organization in regards to the absence of decent variety inside the Everly Police Department. Results nitty gritty the reality the Everly Police Department is a male overwhelmed and paramilitary power and it has not made any strides so as to advance or praise it. We will compose a custom paper test on Assorted variety in Law Enforcement: the Report or on the other hand any comparable point just for you Request Now Numbers show that most of all power individuals are white guys, with the minority being ladies, Hispanics, African-Americans and Asians. Since this report was made open the recently named collaborator superintendant of open for organization, Linda Michaelson, has been given the job of harm controller so as to turn around the consequences of the report and show the open that the Everly Police Department is different and that they have the correct strategies set up for workers to present their grievances with respect to assorted variety in the office. Linda began by detailing an arrangement for another department inside the Internal Affairs Bureau called Diversity Complaints. This arrangement was endorsed by both the superintendant and the city gathering and was placed enthusiastically. The arrangement presented some delay from both mid-level field-commandants and association agent as they felt as though somebody was continually going to be investigating their work and it was not endorsed into understandings by association authorities. The arrangement was placed enthusiastically at any rate and end up being effective with 7 grievances submitted inside the principal month. Protests are presented by structures which can be gotten to through an assortment of sources, including electronically (on-line) and printed copy (a duplicate sent to every representative, and found noticeably in all offices). When a structure is finished, it is submitted by means of email or standard post. From a total conventional protest, an inner undertakings analyst would explore it and structure a sensible goals. Linda recommended that the completion goals of a grievance could come as affectability preparing to workers or conceivable position excusal of representatives included. When a goals has been arrived at the grumbling representative would be reached. With seven grievances in a single month, assessed and explored, Linda and her kindred decent variety agency representatives had one more advance to take and that was to determine the objections in style where all gatherings included would be taught, should the protest be genuine after the grumbling was researched. This is the place Linda was befuddled. Linda needs to detail a rule for the Diversity Bureau to follow once a grievances examination is finished. The rules must be reasonable for the gatherings in question. Another issue is that every grievance will be unique so it is going to hard to set a goals for every single objection that might be submitted. Individual(s) Linda Michaelson has been with the Everly Police Department for a long time and was the key player really taking shape of the ‘Hostile Work Environment’ report and usage procedure of another agency inside the Internal Affairs Bureau called ‘Diversity Complaint’ inside the office. She like most began as a watch official and moved her way up into higher situations inside the office. As per the case nonetheless, these climbs didn't come effectively without critism and judgment from different officials, as she was a female in a male commanded field of work. Her positions have included being a watch official, a government funded school wellbeing official, a contact for the analyst department and most as of late an associate administrator of police for organization. Linda’s father was a resigned sergeant with the Everly Police Department and consistently offered Linda guidance on the best way to beat the predispositions of her sexual orientation in the division. He likewise was her most prominent supporter of following her fantasies to keep climbing. He offered guidance saying ‘to be the best at what she did’. As now the associate superintendant of police for organization, one of Linda’s jobs was to deal with the consequences of the as of late discharged report, paid for by the Minority Police Officers Organization, on the decent variety inside the Everly Police Department which returned as very harming to the power. Linda was informed that her activity was to do the harm control for the outcomes. Linda had the option to relate and respond to a portion of the objections being given and presented by individual division representatives as she also has been the dependent upon sex and inappropriate behavior in the workforce and has seen others be dependent upon the equivalent. Linda was impacted by her dad to succeed and move higher in the power on the off chance that she wished to do as such. As lady in the male commanded profession field she realized it would not be simple and her dad was the person who offered her guidance on the most proficient method to continue, particularly in the event that somebody impeded her and disclosed to her she was unable to do it, or gave her troublesomely doing what she has needed. Linda realized that despite the fact that she was a lady, there was no activity inside the division that a man could show improvement over her. With these considerations she continued to go up and not letting anybody hold her up. I accept that the Everly Police Department could have for sure maintained a strategic distance from the circumstance where they have now ended up in. Should the Everly Police Department had accomplished something, regardless of whether it be their own examination, changes with time and the changing workforce in their in existing strategies and methods for objections, they would not be in such a notoriety harming circumstance. With the new development and usage of a Diversity Complaint department inside the Internal Affairs Bureau, Linda plan to accomplish a simpler, increasingly successful and believing path for workers to have their objections and inclinations heard. She likewise wishes to accomplish compelling approaches to react and moves to make when managing the protests; a way that the occurrences will be settled and a way that will guarantee that they won't occur once more. Linda can legitimize feeling the manner in which she does about the need of this new agency to be shaped in the Everly Police Department as she has been the subject direct to work environment provocation and the aversion that numerous individuals feel when submitting a question to the superintendant or patron. Linda’s energy to make a decent variety objection authority that all workers can present a complaint(s) to without judgment and dread of the grumbling being tossed out or not settled is a lot of present. This new pursuit will make all representatives, minority or larger part, feel much increasingly agreeable and place more trust on the association ought to there be a method where results and suggestions are being made. I don't accept that there is another clarification for the present circumstance wherein the Everly Police Department is in. They plainly have an issue of defilement in the grumblings office that has now made representatives frightened, on edge and awkward at their work environment, which is unmistakably not adequate. Until this time, there was no discussion of attempting to fix the issues that they have concerning decent variety inside the association or the approaches and systems for representatives to follow to submit protests. Association The Everly Police Department has wound up to now have an exceptionally terrible open picture and awful notoriety for being un-expanded. The office never willingly volunteered to investigate and employ an outside source to inquire about the decent variety inside the office. Presently, an outside association called the Minority Police Officers Organization has finished that task and has discharged the outcomes to the general population through numerous media sources. In having these outcomes distributed serious harm has been done to the division. It demonstrates them to be a male ruled, paramilitary association, in which has no capacity to incorporate minorities. The office has likewise never considered the re-vamping or the new making of a path for workers to submit grievances in certainty, realizing that activity will be reached and not tossed out due to defilement inside the objection procedure. The office may have additionally ended up to be in this quandary as they have never moved toward workers on the conditions of the program that they have set up now. They don't have the foggiest idea how representatives feel about the procedures that are set up now and whether workers are feeling that the grumblings are in effect satisfactorily settled and are not reoccurring. Inside the Everly Police Department there has been no ongoing change in the arrangements and methodology that workers must take to present a grievance. For a considerable length of time objections were to be submitted to the superintendant or to an association delegate. They at that point were assume to take the grumblings and resolve the current issue. Commonly, as expressed for the situation, these objections were ignored as the director or association delegate said that the grievance was not real and that the more established workers are as yet holding fast to strategies from 20 years back, the one that they were utilized to. The outer condition is pushing the Everly Police Department to transform it esteems. The division is stuck on values that were set up 20 or more years prior. The age that is presently being utilized is an age that needs esteems where everybody is acknowledged, where there is no segregation in the employing procedure, and where provocation among associates in any structure isn't endured. In today society numerous individuals all things considered, ethnic foundations, and religions are entering the workforce and are resolved to be treated as an equivalent. There is no clarification or motivation behind why they ought not be, they are equivalent to every other person and can perf

Friday, July 24, 2020

13 Skills and Values Employers Seek in Jobseekers

13 Skills and Values Employers Seek in Jobseekers Every job seeker wants to know the secret formula for getting the job. What are those skills that’ll get you noticed?The answer often lies in the soft skills and values you can present because the hard, concrete skills are easier to possess â€" most candidates for a specific job title will have the education and the technical ability to perform in the role.Therefore, to separate yourself from the other candidates, you need to possess and showcase those soft skills and value.Both LinkedIn and Indeed have surveyed resumes and researched the employers to figure out which are the skills and values employers seek in jobseekers.The below list of 13 outlines the skills and values you need to highlight in your resume and during the job interview â€" there will be tips for doing just that as well.PROFESSIONALISMProfessionalism is right there at the top when it comes to skills employers value. But what does professionalism mean?It’s a rather fancy word but in short, when employers are look ing for a professional, they are looking for someone who is:Responsible and fair â€" you understand your responsibilities and you treat people fairly; you’re a team Player.A person with strong work ethic â€" you put work high up on your list and you take things like timelines and rules seriously; you aren’t afraid to work hard to achieve goals.Good with situational awareness â€" you can adapt to different situations and you understand what is happening around you; you can manage different situations in style and without causing problems.How to show professionalism when seeking a job?Professionalism is shown in the little things and in the seriousness you show when applying for a job. Things like professional-looking cover letter and resume are a big deal when it comes to professionalism.You want to make your application polished and ensure your communication with the employer is positive and shows a strong attention to detail.Learn to craft a professional application and to teac h yourself the secret of professional e-mails and phone conversations.POSITIVE ATTITUDEPositivity is the key to surviving the world of employment. Not only does it help you during the tough application process, but employers also appreciate candidates who are positive and willing to keep going.Employers want employees to have a positive attitude at work and to avoid complaining about things â€" positive employees will ensure the work environment is positive and productive.It’s not surprising this skills is at the top of the list â€" smiley and good-humored people are appreciated everywhere in society.How to show positive attitude when seeking a job?It’s possible to show your positive attitude throughout the application process. You want to focus on your attitude by showing up on time for interviews and keeping a smile on your face when talking with people.Don’t wallow in disappointments but show your willingness to learn from mistakes and to use the process to gain experience. COMMUNICATION SKILLSAnother essential skill for jobseekers is good communication skills. The Wall Street Journal found by analyzing LinkedIn profiles that almost 58% of employees who mentioned stellar communication skills in their profiles were hired over the course of the year. The employer looks for employees who:Are able to communicate and present their points of view clearly.Are able to listen to other people.Are able to take and give feedback in a constructive and respectful way.Good communication skills are needed in a wide variety of industries. You’ll need to be able to work with your team members, suppliers and clients and customers to a varying degree â€" it’s crucial to know how to talk, listen and discuss things without causing problems.How to show communication skills when seeking a job?You want your job application to be written in professional and concise language. It’s also important to mention your experience in communicating â€" perhaps you have worked in cus tomer service or you’ve gotten recognition regarding your communication within a team.You can also positively highlight your communication skills during the job interview. Be respectful of your interviewer and make sure to take time to listen to their questions.Be polite throughout and focus on talking clearly â€" sometimes it’s a good idea to pause and gather your thoughts before speaking out.ADAPTABILITYThe workplace is constantly changing due to innovation and technological advancement â€" employees who can show adaptability will do superbly.Employers want someone who is flexible to these changes in the workplace â€" they don’t want to have to hold their employees’ hands continuously. If you can be flexible in things you do and adapt to things around you, the employers will appreciate you.What’s important is the ability to think quickly and to stay calm under pressure. Change is not easy to handle but if you show resilience in the face of it then you can succeed.It’s not just about being able to adapt to the changing workplace, it’s also about getting along with people with different backgrounds.Teams are diverse in the modern world â€" employees must be flexible enough to get together with people that might not be similar to themselves. How to show adaptability when seeking a job?In your resume it’s a good idea to focus on transferable skills and present examples of situations where you had to adapt â€" for example, taking charge of a new team, stepping up to solve a tricky situation and so on.You essentially want to highlight your experience and ability to adapt to new situations whether it is moving town or being part of a diverse working environment.You also want to show your openness to new ideas. Perhaps talk about situations where you tried something completely new or stepped out of your comfort zone â€" for example, trying sales even though you’d been working in the presentation team at work previously.Find examples like this and m ention them in your resume or during the interview.PROBLEM-SOLVINGThe ability to solve problems is crucial for job seeking success. The workplace has many challenges and employers want to find employees who have the resilience and the capability to solve those.Problem-solving skills is about tackling challenges intuitively and quickly. It’s about the ability to think for yourself and to have the ability to think outside the box for the solutions. But it’s also about the resilience to stick to working on a problem until it’s done â€" even if you don’t first find the solutions, you should keep moving forward.How to show problem-solving capabilities when seeking a job?It’s crucial to use your resume for showcasing situations where you’ve solved problems (big problems!) and come out as a winner.You want to mention problems like a change in the deadlines, missing equipment, problems in understanding/communication and so on. Be meticulous when explaining these situations â€" f ocus on outlining the problem, talking about your approach to solving it and highlighting a positive result.You can also emphasise your problem-solving abilities during the job interview. Be a quick thinker â€" don’t say you’re not sure or you can’t answer.Put your problem-solving abilities to show by walking the interviewer through your thinking process â€" don’t be afraid of showing how you need to analyze the questions, take your time to come up with an answer and then present it.This will tell the employer that you know how to deal with the unusual and the unexpected.HONESTYThere have been enough corporate scandals to fill the pages of newspapers. It’s not a big wonder then to notice that employers are after honest employees to help them keep away from the headlines.For the employers, finding someone with integrity and honesty is super important and being able to highlight your honesty can get you a lot of points. The workplace is a team and each person must have the h onesty and integrity to work for the team.More specifically, employers want an employee who is able to live up to their own values and ideals â€" there is nothing wrong with showing what you live by in the world, especially if they align with the company’s values.The employer wants someone who understands the company vision and the common objectives and feels a certain pride in working towards them.How to show honesty when seeking a job?The easiest and most effective way to showcase your honesty to the employer is quite simply by not lying. There are still people who think that a few untruths in the resume or during the interview won’t hurt but that’s not true. You need to be honest throughout the process and trust in your actual talent to do the job.Furthermore, you shouldn’t be afraid of talking about your values. It doesn’t have to be just about your skills but also mention things that are close to your heart. Explaining your work ethic and values is beneficial, especia lly when they align closely with the employer.LEADERSHIPEmployers are always looking for those who can also lead, not just perform. All top companies have plenty of leaders inside â€" to succeed you often have to lead. The employees who can lead others and boost the performance of not just their own but that of others are super valuable in the job market.If you’re a charismatic person who is able to show enthusiasm that leads to others performing at their best then you are going to be an employer’s dream candidate.You want to inspire people to do their best and to work towards the common goals.Employers don’t want to be telling you what to do at all times â€" if you can take the initiative and get others to follow you, you are a true leader.How to show leadership when seeking a job?You should mention leadership positions in your resume and during your interview as much as possible. Talk about any leadership experience you have even if you’ve not officially been in a manageri al position.So, think about times you took charge or helped other people achieve their best â€" it could be sorting a problematic customer problem, tutoring at school or so on.TIME MANAGEMENTThe modern workplace is also hectic and employers need their employees to stick to a schedule, managing the busy schedule they might have.You’ll be appreciated more if you can showcase good time management skills. This quite simply means employers will like it if you are:Punctual â€" arriving on time to work and to meetings.Able to stick to the schedule â€" you can keep up with your schedule and produce work according to the timelines set for you.Good at scheduling â€" you can create your own realistic schedule and timelines. How to show time management skills when seeking a job?You can talk about your ability to stick to the schedule on your resume by stating any achievements you might have. When talking about a big project, a part of your discussion could be on how you stuck to the schedule, for example.Of course, you should also make sure you stick to any deadlines during the application process. If you’re supposed to send a form or make a call within a specific timeline, then you must do so. Also, don’t show up late for a job interview!SELF-MOTIVATEDThe importance of teamwork is often talked about but your ability to work alone is also important to an employer. The ability to self-motivate is crucial because it tells the employer they don’t have to micromanage your every move.Self-motivation manifests in two major ways. First, it has the part of being able to stay busy and occupied with the job without constant management. It’s about knowing what to do and when to do it. But it’s also about your passion.Employers love employees that love the work they do and who are passionate about succeeding in their roles. Self-motivated employees are those who love to learn and develop their skills further.How to show self-motivation when seeking a job?You can highlight the above qualities by doing your research and showing you know the industry and the company inside out. You want to put this passion towards the role and the company on paper â€" show in your resume that you know the skills the company is looking for and the values the company has.It’s crucial to go beyond just the job posting and the things the employer mentions there. Conduct research on the business culture and check what big projects the business is working on or has worked in the past.The ability to talk about these big industry things in the interview is helpful and shows you’re passionate about the sector.CURIOUSEmployers are not looking for robots â€" those who simply do things the same way over and over. The workplace is changing, as mentioned before, and this means you need to be willing to move with it.But it’s always best to not just change but be curious about the change. If you’re interested and willing to learn, it means you’ll perform better at work as we ll and therefore, bring more value to the employer.There are three key characteristics of this valuable skill. You must be:Curious about the world â€" you don’t have just narrow interest in a single issue but you’re interested in a range of things around you.Interested in the industry â€" you have a strong willingness to learn more and you’re always looking for new things within the industry.A person with an open and creative mind â€" you use this curiosity and information to think outside the box and find new ways of doing things.How to show curiosity when seeking a job?Your resume should highlight your passion for knowledge by listing things you’ve done to learn more about the industry. Things like attending workshops, seminars and industry events are important, as are examples of your studies â€" especially those that you’ve done on your own time.When you’re in the interview, you don’t want to just sit there and answer questions. Ask about the company and the compan y’s view of the industry.For example, say how you’ve noticed certain trends changing the industry and be curious about the ways the company is preparing to manage them.COMPUTER LITERATEIn today’s digital world, computer skills are definitely sought-after no matter your industry. While the other skills on the list focus on the soft-skills employers seek universally, computer literacy is a hard-skill everyone respects.You don’t need to be able to write code but there is an expectation of basic computer skills whether you want to work in fashion, media or finance. This means having a basic understanding of:The core computer programs like Word, Excel and PowerPointHow web design and development work in generalWhat social media is about and how to use itFurthermore, employers like employees to be able to pick things up quickly. While you don’t need to know how each industry software options work, you must be able to and willing to learn them quickly.How to show computer literac y when seeking a job?You definitely want to include even the most basic computer knowledge you have on your resume.Include anything related to the above points and knowledge of industry-specific software. It’s a good idea to show your willingness to learn; perhaps by taking extra courses in IT.LOYALThe competition to retain talent is high. For this reason, employers have begun appreciating loyalty. Employers appreciate employees who aren’t hopping from one company to another â€" they want to hire someone who would like to build a career with their company.The key for employers is to find people who will stay professional and commitment even if things are not always going smoothly. They don’t want to be in a situation where they have to constantly worry and fight for keeping employees put.It’s not to say they don’t understand they need to stay competitive and focus on employee happiness, but they just don’t want the employees to have unrealistic expectations and show a la ck of loyalty.How to show loyalty when seeking a job?You can highlight your loyalty and professionalism by showing you won’t change jobs for no reason. It’s OK to move on if it’s for career progression. But you don’t want to show how you’ve changed jobs every time due to not getting along with your team.You should also avoid talking ill of your colleagues and previous employers. Even if you didn’t like your ex-boss, you definitely don’t want to talk negatively.Give diplomatic answers when it comes to leaving your previous roles or having to explain your worst management experience.Focus on concepts and non-personal issues and talk about your own ambitions in a way that shows you’re not using the job just as a springboard for other roles elsewhere.CONFIDENTEmployers want their employees to have a healthy dose of self-confidence. It boils down to this: if you don’t believe in your abilities and talent, then why should they?It’s important to show trust in your own s kills because if you doubt your ability to handle certain tasks, the employer will doubt too. You must understand your value because it will help the employer see it as well.When you apply for a job and once you get a job, you need to feel that you’re the best person to do it.How to show confidence when seeking a job?Your resume must be a reflection of your talent and you need to stand by it 100%. You want to focus on your skills and experience, presenting the ones that fit the role you’re applying for but also those that you have the most confidence.If you’re lacking in confidence, make sure you have great references to talk positively about you and ask for friends, family and colleagues to advice you on your best qualities â€" just trust your talent and take pride in career achievements you’ve had; no matter how small those might seem like.THE SKILLS AND VALUES THAT’LL GET YOU THE JOBThe above list highlights the skills and values modern employers are looking for. It sho ws that it takes a lot to become a valuable employee but it’s possible to present you as a strong candidate with smart little mentions in your resume.Don’t just mention them but also focus on presenting these skills when at the job interview. Since these are values and soft skills, you can often trust in the saying “actions speak louder than words” â€" so show in action how you possess these 13 characteristics.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Status of Women in Colonial Society - 1243 Words

Mariama Bessane Professor Perine James American History 1151- Essay #1 Jan 7th,2016 Status of Women in Colonial Society Women were always considered inferior to men since day one. That belief had been existing until the eighteen century. During that period, English Colonists brought to America their ideologies with them. Women did not have the same rights as men did during that time. Women were tied in a leash, kept in the dark, and controlled by society. Life wasn’t easy for them. They were not allowed to express their opinions, and if they did, they would be called wicked or evil and be negatively judged by society. During the colonial era, women played an important, if restricted role in work and religious life. During the†¦show more content†¦Working in farmlands was not an easy task to do, but tobacco became the king of the lands and every hand was useful in order to cultivate it. Women were needed to work the lands no matter how fatiguing it was, and the only way they were able to make the journey through the colonies was to be in a contract as indentured servants. â€Å"The name derived from the indenture, or contract, by which a person promised to work for a fixed number of years in return for transportation to America† (America 75.) Working the land in the sizzling sun caused many servants to die from disease. Those who survived and completed their indentured contract could marry and even have lands with their husbands. Despite the restrictions put on women, the insufficiency of work created opportunities. Women in the city were able to have different lives from those living in farms. In the city, women could socialize with other women. Outside their home, and family, they were allowed to associate themselves with other women, and have their own â€Å"women time† without being bothered by husbands or children. For example, in the city, women could work outside their home as â€Å"tavern hostesses, and shopkeepers and sometimes also worked as nurses, painters, printers, upholsterers, silversmiths, and tan ners.†(America 71) Generally speaking, women in the city had a better life than those who lived on the farms. Women were not only active in working lands and taking care ofShow MoreRelatedTextual Analysis Of Leila Ahmed s Women And Gender1451 Words   |  6 PagesLeila Ahmed’s â€Å"Women and Gender in Islam: Historical Roots of a Modern Debate† â€Å"Women and Gender in Islam† by Leila Ahmed was published in 1992, at a time when research on Arab women was a young, newly emerging field of study. Leila Ahmed is an Egyptian American writer and feminist. Her text â€Å"Women and Gender in Islam† targets proclaimed feminists, both western and non-western, as the intended audience. 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Thursday, May 7, 2020

European Factory Workers and Urban Artisans - 718 Words

In the eighteenth century much of Europe was experiencing an industrial production, furthering toward a more industrial society. Many people were supporting the new society, while others were criticizing it. From 1845-1847 Europe was experiencing poor harvests, which caused the Irish famine. Irish peasants died from starvation, while others migrated. Artisans and factory workers were undergoing a process called proletarianization. It was where an owner would pay a wage and the worker would lose all ownership of production. If the factory ran smoothly, then it would be a better chance that the workers would have a safe workplace, but if that wasn’t the case then the workers may have to work in poor work conditions. Urban artisans†¦show more content†¦At midcentury, the women accounted for less than half of all employment. In France, the working women continued to work on the land. In England, they were domestic servants. Women’s working conditions were almost always harsh and they were always exposed to exploitation. Social Disabilities Confronted by All Women During the early nineteenth century womenShow MoreRelated The Working Class Essay1578 Words   |  7 PagesRevolution consisted of scientific innovations, a vast increase in industrial production, and a rapid growth of urban populations which consequently shaped a new social structure in the European continent. Initially in the late eighteenth century, the new industrialization period produced dominant bourgeoisie employers and a united men, women, and children workers. The continued increase of factories coupled with a need for employees made the Proletariats within a short period of time a large, underprivilegedRead MoreEffects Of The Industrial Revolution On European Societies906 Words   |  4 Pagesthe ways European countries produced goods. The Revolution encompassed the years 1750 through 1850, and generated many innovations and ideas that have changed European service industries forever. The effects of the Industrial Revolution ca used a dramatic change in the way European societies functioned. These changes in society caused by the Industrial Revolution initiated an unprecedented growth rate of the European middle class, which led to a sharp increase in their involvement in urban politicsRead MoreThe Factors and Results of the Industrial Revolution1710 Words   |  7 Pagesindustrial economy centered with large metropolitan cities. Industrial revolution is fundamentally linked with the rise of factories and the decline of skilled artisans in manufacturing. The time period from 1870s to 1930s not only the expanded of industrialization but also urbanization. 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Immigrants could get the resources they need to survive. According to hstry for education â€Å" it was expensive for Europeans to cross to the American colonies (poor British and German) purchased an indenture, from a sea captain that brought people over, beneficial to both employer needed labor, employee did not get wage but was provided with food, accommodation, clothing

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Wall switches and light fixtures in a building Free Essays

The wall switches come in various shapes and designs, but they generally consist of a metal conducting plate and Insulating plates to cover It. wall switches are constructed of metal faceplates that is to be made out of ferrous metals not less than 0. 76 mm in thickness or non ferrous metals not less than 1. We will write a custom essay sample on Wall switches and light fixtures in a building or any similar topic only for you Order Now 2 mm In thickness, and the insulating tace plates are made out ot an insulating non combustible material not less than 2. 54 mm in thickness (NFPA 2011 The light fixtures of the place usually etermines the location of the switch to help get the most efficient lighting for the place. For residential places, all the rooms light fixtures must be on a 15-amp circuit. A wall switch has to be placed near every room entry door and a receptacle has to be found every 12 feet to help operate non permanent light fixtures that cannot be operated by a switch. Closets shall have one globe covered fixture operated by a wall switch. Bathrooms require special moisture resistant light fixtures due to its damp environment also the fixtures should be covered with lenses or globes and one 20- mp circuit for bathroom outlets only (thiele, 2010). In the presence of a laundry room, the washer and dryer should have their individual 20 circuit and in case of electric dryer an Independent 240-volt circuit shall be used. The kitchen Is commonly the place with the highest number of appliances all over the home. thus it requires Its own 15-amp circuit for the lighting. Stairways needs proper lighting fixtures, a switch, mostly three-way switch, Is to be placed at the top and bottom of the stair and at every turn if necessary Hallways requires three-way switches at the two ends of the ay and four-way switches near every door throughout the hallway, hallways over 10 feet long requires a mlnlmum ot one outlet for general purposes (NFPA, 2011). Basements and garages is recommended to have three-way switches between doors and a minimum of 1 outlet is required. Outdoor lighting fixtures of a building have to be protected trom weather tactors and any other exterior tactors by sealing the wires and having underground cables. Outdoor lighting shall has to be highly effcient and controlled by a switch In addition to a sensor to turn off the lights during daytime for energy saving purposes How to cite Wall switches and light fixtures in a building, Papers

Monday, April 27, 2020

MLC and the environmental management accounting

Phases of the case study The project has three phases which will be discussed in detail. The first phase identifies the current cost of accounting system in the Methodist Ladies College. The institution currently uses the conventional accounting system that does not apportion the environmental management system. The objective of exploring the current environmental management of the system is comparing the convectional accounting with the environmental management accounting.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on MLC and the environmental management accounting specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The environmental management accounting involves development of the company resources to ensure that there are appropriate aspects of developing proper mechanisms to account for usage of energy and identifying costs of conserving the energy. The second phase of this study on MLC identifies the cost and revenue opportunities tha t are not recorded when using the traditional accounting methods. The objectives of this phase are two, the first objective is to determine the necessary changes that are appropriate to the system to include all the environment related costs. The second objective is to provide the stakeholders with meaningful information on the costs and opportunities presented through environmental management accounting. The information creates awareness among the stakeholders and provides them with a basis to make changes in the company. The third phase involves trial recording of the changes to determine how change would produce different results from the current management accounting system. The objective of this trial phase is to determine how the Environmental Management contributes to good management by providing information to managers on how to handle purchases in a way that is environmental conscious and cost effective. Black bud accounting practice used in MLC MLC uses the convectional ac counting system that is not environmental conscious. The accounting system is cost oriented and not activity oriented. It classifies the costs in general terms and not as per the source of the cost. The first classification of environmental related expenses is the administration expenses. These costs involve costs such as printing and distribution of newsletters to parents by the school administration. The other cost is the photocopying costs, this is an expense incurred through photocopying of learning material by students as well as teachers. The other generalised expense is water expenses, which are the rates paid to the Water Corp by the institution. The one is the lighting expense that includes the power and electricity expenses within the institution. The other expense recorded in the system is the waste costs that refer to the cost of waste products disseminated from the company (Romney 2009). The environmental impacts associated with MLC’s operations and costs associa ted with the environmental impacts The first environmental impact associated with MLC operations is the paper usage expense. This expense accrues to the photocopying activities within the institution. It includes the cost of buying the plain paper. However, the current accounting system does not record expenses except photocopying labour. It also includes the printing activities done by the students and the energy used in the printing process. All these are classified together as paper usage expense.Advertising Looking for case study on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The other impact associated with the MLC operations that has a direct impact on the environment is lighting costs. It takes fossil fuel to make electrical energy used in lighting and conserving light automatically means conserving fuel used in the generation of light. The current MLC accounting cists usually includes lighting costs as the onl y energy cost. However, the costs not only result from lighting but also replacement of lighting equipment, wear and tear and cooling of machines using air conditioners. The third environmental impact associated with the environment is the water usage. The institution incurs this expense using water in showers and toilets as well as in the running taps. The other activity interconnecting use of energy is the administrative activities. The administrative purposes involve activities such as printing and dissemination of newsletters to parents. The parents receive newsletters either through the students or by mail. Costs of envelopes and plain paper to print the newsletter, the toners and labour of printing the newsletters are all included in the administrative costs (Romney 2009). Limitations of the existing accounting system with regard to cost savings and how costs can be reclassified to improve decision-making The current accounting system has its limitations. The first limitation of the current accounting system used by the MLC is that it does not provide information on the specific environmental cost. It is complicated, which makes it hard to trace costs involved (Romney 2009). The other challenge of this manner of accounting is that it does not trace the actual sources that incurred the expense because it generalises all environmental costs (Romney 2009). The other limitation is that it does not give insight to the management on how to conserve energy as well as area that costs may be minimised. It provides scanty information on the impact of activities engaged by the institution on the environment. It denies the institution an opportunity to receive funding from parents and friends to assist in the efforts of becoming energy efficient. The traditional accounting system is inappropriate in making organisation energy efficient. The other major aspect of consideration in the organisation is that the organisation may develop its own systems of conserving and generating resources such as using river Swan to cater for its need for water rather than use water from the Water Corp. Benefits of Activity Based Costing to MLC The activity based accounting is beneficial to the company in the sense that it has to work using the areas related to the development of the organisation. The activity based costing is advantageous to the institution mainly because the reporting of expenses enable one to trace the sources that incurred the environment related costs. It establishes responsibility centre and each centre has an account where expenses are recorded.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on MLC and the environmental management accounting specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This assists the organisation to trace costs and identify opportunities and costs incurred from the environment related expenses. The other major factor of consideration is that it informs the management and the stakeholders on the costs incurred and how each unit incurred the expenses. This makes it easy for the management to make prudent decisions on how to conserve energy as well as how to develop appropriate measures to make the company cost effective. The activity based costing unravel the hidden costs in the conventional accounting such as labour costs and it presents a clear picture on the actual expense incurred when doing a particular activity (Langfield 2009). How costs associated with environmental impacts within MLC can be allocated and what are the limitations associated with the cost drivers identified in the study. The costs identified in the study can be allocated as follows. The power and lighting costs can be classified as costs per square metre such that each cost is assigned as per the responsibility centre that generated that cost. The cost is in such a way that it is saving from the source. In the lighting costs, additional costs such as replacing the lighting equipme nts as well as wear and tear of the power equipments are all considered differently not just as part of lighting expense (Langfield 2009). The other environmental impact cost allocated differently is the water expenses. The water costs are usually a generalised expense. However, the new accounting system allocates the water usage according to the kind of machine or source that releases the water. Water is classified as either shower water, tap water or washing machine water. This makes it easy to identify the outlets that use a lot of water. The other allocation is on the photocopying costs. These costs are usually generalised in the current accounting system. However, the environment management accounting classifies the cost into different categories. The first one is the labour used in the photocopying prices; it also includes the cost of the plain paper. In the new accounting process, expenses such as use of envelope are part of the photocopying expense (Langfield 2009). The wast e costs are also not generalised in the environment management accounting where the expenses are classified as per the specific activity. Activities such as tipping fees are distinct from the waste costs that are the actual price of the material put to waste. It also involves costs of disposing the equipments either through paying someone to dispose the equipment or other expenses such as the development expense.Advertising Looking for case study on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The benefits to the responsibility centres within AMP from maintaining records on both energy and water usage Maintaining the records of energy and water usage provide a clear picture of how each responsibility centre contributes to the energy and water expenses. This makes every part of the institution participate to the use of energy, and the energy expenses cease to be generalised expense without a clear outline on who uses the energy. The other benefits that result from the use of energy are the increased awareness about personal contribution to the environmental related expenses. It provides a motivation to control and reduce those costs in order to prevent losses that are likely to occur. The motivation results only when there are specific accounting that indicates the responsibility centre responsible for each cost. It also enables the responsibility centre to classify the expenses further into sub centres that serve as an indication to the development of the company resource s. The other effect of the responsibility centres’ recording their expenses is that it results in identifying opportunities of cutting down the costs unlike when using the convectional method of cost accounting. It assists in identifying other costs related to the major expense. When there is recording in the sub-centre it is easier to identify costs that relate to the major expense such as labour costs or breakage and maintenance costs involved as opposed to when the costs are generalised. The institution saved more than twenty seven thousand dollars when allocations of expenses were through responsibility centre records. How could MLC develop additional records for identifying, allocating, and managing the costs associated with waste and the associated financial benefits? There are additional records that the MLC must have to ensure that there is appropriate accountability on how the resources are used. The first additional record that is necessary in the incorporation of t he environmental management accounting in the MLC is the photocopy expenses. The photocopy expenses include renting photocopiers to use as well as the labour and time spent in operating the photocopiers. It includes the cost of the plain paper used in photocopying. Such records in the sub centre make it easy to see how the organisation uses the resources (Maskell 2003). The other aspect of consideration is having the company to include records of expenses incurred in administration and specifically the newsletter expenses such as envelopes and the labour involved in the preparation of the newsletters. The other additional records relates to the water expenses, to account for water usage it is imperative to classify the use of water as per the way or the equipment used to discharge water. Having records of the volumes of water released using the taps, washing machines, toilets and other domestic purposes make it easy to identify and to trace where the water expenses originate from an d how to control them (Maher 2005). Waste expenses may also need additional records to include costs such as the labour incurred in disposing the waste. Other additional record in waste expense is that cost of buying dustbins and other waste handling equipment. The other cost that is usually not accounted for or recorded in the conventional methods yet it is a major environmental cost is the cost of the waste material. This refers to the cost of the material that is disposed. Other cost that applies to the waste materials is the cost of training personnel as well as the stakeholders of the institution on how to handle waste. Currently, MLC uses the paper recycling techniques to reuse the papers. However, it requires training of staff and students on how to handle papers meant for recycling (Bruns Kaplan 1987). How a life cycle costing system (LCC) could be implemented within, MLC and what would the environmental impact issues that would need to be considered and cost within the LCC exercise The life cycle costing usually refers to the costing exercise that looks into the total cost of equipment rather than the purchase cost of equipment. This applies when making purchasing decisions on equipments that may have implications on the environmental management accounting. The total cost refers to the additional cost of having equipment and it includes the purchasing costs, maintenance costs as well as the waste cost. The waste cost is the coast of disposing the equipment. When someone considers all those costs mailing decision on the appropriateness and the effectiveness of the product used usually applies (Bruns Kaplan 1987). The lifecycle costing also considers the life cycle of the equipment or the durability of the product bought. This is the length that particular equipment is expected to last while it is effective and efficient in its use. This aspect also includes warranty of the equipment and the cost of maintaining the equipment. The other expense is the development expense where an organisation spends its time to develop appropriate structure to cater for the organisational needs of the particular equipment. The following are some of the environment impact issues that need consideration as lifecycle costing issue. The first environmental impact issue is the air conditioners. The main use of the air conditioners is to provide cooling for the machines used in the institution to prevent overheating of the machines. The project hopes to install three air conditioners because the cost is high yet it is right in consideration of the fact that replacing damaged machines is more expensive. The other cost is the swimming pool by closing down the pool and use of another swimming pool from the neighbouring school (Maher 2005). The other area where lifecycle costing will apply is development of new classrooms as the current classrooms have an occupancy rate of eighty per cent. This can be done through the development of timetables that ensure there is an occupancy level of one hundred per cent. This will prevent additional expenses in development of the classes and focus the resources in other areas that are significant in the project. The other area where the life costing will apply is in the water conservation where the institution is looking for ways of reducing the water expenses by building new taps and toilet flushers that use six litres of water than the flushers that use eleven litres of water. This will reduce the amount of money used on water because the quantity of water required is reduced. When expenses are reduced where appropriate, the cost will reduce which results to increase in the revenue generated from the project. Considering these aspects using the lifecycle costing ensures that the management makes appropriate and cost effective decisions. References Bruns, W Kaplan, S 1987, Accounting and management: A field study perspective, Harvard Business School Press, Massachusetts. Langfield, K 2009, Manag ement accounting: Information for managing and creating value, 5th edition, McGraw Hill, New York. Maher, L 2005, Fundamentals of cost accounting, McGraw-Hill, New York. Maskell, B 2003, Practical lean accounting, Productivity Press, New York. Romney, M 2009, Accounting information systems, Pearson Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River. This case study on MLC and the environmental management accounting was written and submitted by user Graysen K. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Impact Of IFRS On SME S Report Essay

Impact Of IFRS On SME S Report Essay Impact Of IFRS On SME S Report Essay The Impact of IFRS on SME’s Lewis W. Wilson Jr. Post University College Abstract This report will provide a brief summary on what the Impact of the IFRS on SME’s (Small and Medium sized Businesses) standards as it applies to small businesses. We will define the standard and its history of existence. We will briefly evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the shortened version of the full IFRS and if it can be relied upon in the future for a growing entity that is not quite large or qualify to utilize the full IFRS standard. In conclusion we give our recommendation as to whether the standard is sufficient as it stands now to support Small businesses that are currently utilizing the IFRS for SME’s standards. Impact of IFRS on SME’s Introduction IFRS for SME's was established in 2009 by the IASB, the development process was very strenuous, and involved extensive consultation throughout the world. Currently the IFRS for SME’s standard is approximately 230 pages, and was specifically tailored and simplified to meet the needs and capabilities of smaller businesses of which would not benefit from utilizing the much larger Full IFRS standard. Why IFRS for SME’s A review and analysis of the FULL IFRS standards by professionals across the country revealed that there are many procedures that have been developed for large public companies and investors in the securities market. Additionally, it was noted that the small private companies do not have public securities therefore some of the requirements within the Full IFRS standards would no be relevant for small private companies. The research also revealed that even when they are relevant, the cost to these smaller organizations of some requirements would exceed the benefits. The question still arises what are the benefits of utilizing this watered down version of the Full IFRS? There are a number of potential benefits of adopting IFRS for SMEs, which I have provided the following: a. reducing compliance costs; b. making financial statements less complex and more user friendly; c. improving access to international funding, currently a critical issue for many businesses; d. Enhancing the comparability of financial statements. Other Advantages As previously stated, the IFRS for SME's is has been specifically tailored to support smaller business, which means all topics that are not perceived to be relevant to SME's have been omitted, including a reduction in the number of required disclosures. A good example of this would be that Goodwill is amortized and only tested for impairment when there is a triggering event, and not subject for a full impairment test each year (as under Full IFRS). Additionally the development costs are expensed utilizing the IFRS for SME's, but if the organization was utilizing Full IFRS they would be capitalized. Of course there are several other key simplifications in the financial instruments, defined benefit obligations, cash flow presentation and the interest capitalization sections as well. Conversion Process We know in business there is also a financial burden involved as well as personnel training. In addition, converting from local GAAP to either Full IFRS or IFRS for SME’s requires a commitment of management focus, resources and funding. Companies must also identify key

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

How to Make Negative Sentences in French

How to Make Negative Sentences in French Making sentences negative in French is a bit more complicated than in English. This summary of the different kinds of negation and negation-related grammatical structures should help clear up some of the confusion. The title of each negation category links to a detailed lesson with examples of usage and a quiz. (Dont) just say nonNo, not a chance, I dont think so, and more. nonpas question ! Negative adverbsNegate or restrict the action of the verb they modify. ne... pasne... jamais Negative adjectivesNegate or cast doubt on a quality of the noun they modify. ne... nulne... aucun Negative pronounsNegate or cast doubt on the existence of the noun they replace. ne... rienne... personne Negative conjunctionTheres only one: ne... ni... ni... Negative questionsTheres a special French word to respond yes when someone else says;br - Non.- Si ! Negating infinitives2-part negative structures stay together in front of infinitives. Ne pas toucher.Ne jamais fermer. Nimporte... expressionsDesignate an unspecified person, thing, or characteristic. nimporte quinimporte quel... PasNegate a non-verbal structure. pas beaucouppas souvent Double negativesTwo negatives dont make a positive in French. Ce nest pas rien.Je nai jamais vu personne. Formal negationThere are three negative structures particular to formal French. ne... pointavant quil ne... Informal negationNe is often dropped in spoken French. Je sais pas.Bouge pas !

Saturday, February 15, 2020

New City New Experience Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

New City New Experience - Essay Example always trying to find a good in what you feel is bad; this makes it a tad bit easier to cope up and adapt. This is exactly what the video teaches us- to look at the bright side of things and realize that one could have been in far worse situation than one is in right now. The new city, new experiences video opens with a shot of Ayers Street and the camera pans to a grocery store. Character1 walks in and starts checking out the items displayed on the display racks. A close up of the item shot is shown. Next, the camera shows a blue car being parked outside the same grocery store and character 2 coming out of the door. Both the characters in the video are acquainted. Chracter2 greets chracter1 while the latter expresses his feelings about the high prices that he saw in the grocery store. He says that the prices are far higher that what he is used to in his home country. Chracter2 explains that living in a developed country like the states comes with a price because the minimum cost of living is quite high. However, he also makes character1 realize that since they reside in Edmond they are luckier because the relative cost of living in Edmond is relatively low than the cost of living in other cities of America. Character1 is thankful to God for this and both the characters part ways. The scene begins in a dark street with only the street signboard. The camera pans right showing a streetlight. Perhaps the only light that light up the entire street stretch. The camera continues to pan right and stops at a small grocery store. The opening itself is an indicator of the theme of the video. The camera pans from left to right starting from a dark street and ending in a fairly lighted place which too is an indicator of the core theme of the video i.e. no matter what situation you are in always look on the bright side of things. The street light in the scene is also objective here since the road is dark and it is only the light that is visible; this again is implies the ce ntral theme of the video. The camera is in the store and we character1 walking and entering the shop. He is wearing a black shirt and looks well groomed. The character has a subdued face and exudes an introvert’s body language. He walks past the magazine stand and head directly towards a display rack. He picks up a Snickers bar. The camera zooms in and shows only chracter1’s hands and the snickers bar. The camera then focuses on the bar indicating that even chracter1 is focusing on the bar more particularly on the price printed on the back of the package. The expression on the face of character1 changes to that of surprise. The fact that he looks surprised after finding out the price of the item reveals that he is not accustomed to buying such highly priced products. Perhaps, he is new in town (since till here the video does not reveal his background). Next the camera shows a car’s headlight which is again an indicator of the central theme of the video. The car is shiny blue one and we see character2 switching off the engine and stepping out of the car. The look on character2’s face exudes confidence and his gait is relaxed and confident too. He walks up to the entrance of the grocery store and meets character1. He greets chracter1 by his name- Mohammad and Mohammad replies that he is fine. Character2 enquire of Mohammad what he had been up to and Mohammad explains

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Labs H, P, & S Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Labs H, P, & S - Lab Report Example Straight pins were then placed along line IB as shown in the diagram below. After which the glass plate was returned, and the rest of the experimental arrangement moved near the edge of the table. The pins were then sighted through the glass plate, and ruler aligned along the sightline and a straight line drawn along the rule and labeled B’R. The glass plate was again removed, and line BB’ drawn. The Normals at B and B’ were drawn, and angles of incidence and refraction compared. SKETCH: I N B B’ RESULTS: Trial I-B-N (Angle of incidence) R-B’-N (Angle of refraction) 1 60 34 ANALYSIS AND CONCLUSION From the above table it can be seen that the angle of incidence is greater than the angle of refraction. Therefore, this experiment demonstrated the following concepts of refraction: 1. Angle of incidence is greater than the angle of refraction (Shipman). Law of refraction (Snell’s La): Where: n1 refractive index of air =1 n 2 refractive index of gl ass. Theoretical refractive index of glass= 1.52 Therefore: Moments of Force (Experiment H) PURPOSE: The purpose of this experiment was to demonstrate the concepts of equilibrium and moments of force. ... The second weight was moved along the meter until it balanced. The weights and distances at which the meter balanced were recorded. The experiment was repeated using different weights and distances from the fulcrum, and their distances and weights recorded as shown in the result table below. SKETCH C Distance 1 Distance 2 Weight on the left Weight on the right Counterclockwise moments Fulcrum Clockwise moments RESULTS AND ANALSIS Moments= Force X Distance Principles of moments: counterclockwise moments= clockwise moments (Shipman). Therefore, Counterclockwise moments in the first case= (10 X 4) + (10 X10) = 140ozcm Clockwise moments in the first case = (15 X 30) + (x X 39) = 450+39x X = -7.9487oz Can Goods Can Goods Can Goods Miscellaneous objects Left Side Weight (1) Left Side Distance (1) Left Side Weight (2) Left Side Distance (2) Total Left side Moment Right Side Weight (1) Right Side Distance (1) Right Side Distance (2) Right Side Weight (2) Total Right side Moment 1 10 oz 4 cm 10 oz 10 cm 140 15 oz 30 cm 39 cm -7.9487oz 140 2 15 oz 22 cm 15 oz 9 cm 465 4.5 oz 45 cm 32 cm 8.2031oz 465 3 4.5 oz 6 cm 4.5 oz 5 cm 24.5 16 oz 35 cm 50 cm -10.71oz 24.5 4 24 oz 23 cm 24 oz 8 cm 744 9.5 oz 49 cm 44 cm 6.3295oz 744 5 16 oz 5 cm 16 oz 9 cm 224 24 oz 28 cm 28 cm -16oz 224 6 9.5 oz 3 cm 9.5 oz 5 cm 76 10 oz 9 cm 47 cm -0.2979oz 76 Electrical consumption (Experiment S) PURPOSE: The purpose of this experiment was to determine the cost of electrical consumption of various home electrical devices. PROCEDURE: The following equipment and machinery were used: 12 home electrical appliances (Smart TV, Toshiba Laptop and refrigerator among others), and a copy of the recent electricity bill. The home appliances to be used in

Saturday, January 25, 2020

King Leopolds Ghost Essay -- Essays Papers

King Leopolds Ghost King Leopold's Ghost tells a story of the Belgian King Leopold II and his misrule of an African colony, named (at the time) the Congo Free State. It is a wild and unpleasant story of a man's capacity for evil and the peculiar manifestation of it. In telling this story, Hochschild does a wonderful job of giving detailed descriptions, especially of the colorful individuals involved, both good and bad. His analysis of the situation is very solid, starting with the movement when the Congolese hero (Morel) finds out a very terrible fact and moving on through his (Morel) analysis and actions, all the while telling the story of a treacherous monster. Set in the palaces and boardrooms of Europe and in the villages of central Africa, it tells the story of the tragedy that took place during Leopold's so called rule, a tragedy that is so familiar to African-Americans, being told of our African brothers residing in the homeland. This "horror" story is just in fact that, a horror story, giving and revealing the utter most secrets of the respected King Leopold. Allow me to take you on a journey, pointing out the King's determination and, reasoning for what he'd done and the scars he left deep within the heart of the Congo. In the introduction I stated that Morel was the character that I considered to be the hero of this story, now the main question behind that would be, why? Along with, Who is Morel? His complete name was Edmund Dene Morel; he was a young clerk who worked for a Liverpool based firm where his duties were to supervise the unloading and reloading of the ships arriving in Antwerp, Belgium. As Morel watched the shipments arrive he noticed something, a great amount of ivory and rubber were being transported into Belgium but nothing was being taken out, as the book states: "There is no trade going on here. Little or nothing is being exchanged for the rubber and ivory†¦with almost no goods being sent to Africa to pay for them, he realizes that there can be only one explanation for their source: slave labor." (p.2) With his newfound revelation at hand Morel does not sit still. Demonstrating that he refused to turn a blind eye to what fortune had allowed him to see, he soon becomes active with his newfound knowledge. Soon afterward Morel devoted his life to stopping slavery in the Congo. From the early 1900's until afte... ... their own, getting educated, and even going to the lengths of forming Greek organizations, that their fellow brother in Africa were being brutally mutilated and stripped of their humanity. Hochschild has done an exemplary job of writing this book by gathering details and evidence not to mention the wonderful writing skills that he's displayed throughout the entire book. In my opinion, the account of shocking and brutal nature of Belgian colonial rule, is worth reading on it's own, if only to remind us of the horror of the colonialism from which the US has recently escaped. And anyone with an interest in the way we car for or mistreat other humanbeings may find a great deal of food for thought here as well. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Hochschild, a renowned journalist has taken on Stalin and Russian psyche in previous books. He has been criticized the almost exclusive focus of the CRA movement on Belgium, citing comparable brutality by the US in the Philippines, the British in Australia, the Germans in what is now Namibia. Bibliography: Hochschild, Adam "King Leopold's Ghost:a story of greed, terror, and heroism in colonial Africa. First Mariner Books 1998. New York

Friday, January 17, 2020

meditech surgical case Essay

Introduction Meditech is a leader in the endoscopic surgical instrument market. The company manufactures and market low cost endoscopy surgical equipment to hospitals and independent surgeons. The company’s distribution operation is arranged and managed from a central storage warehouse that ships its products to domestic and international affiliates. The organization have been experiencing a good customer service experience in the past, however, lately customers have expressed concerns with the time products are being delivered to them. Due to the nature of the industry, the delivery of surgical equipment on time is extremely important. The on time delivery of products to its customers has become the main problem for the firm. Currently, Meditech’s customers are waiting over six weeks for products to be delivered to them. This current practice is not acceptable and must be addressed by management immediately if Meditech wants to stay competitive and keep its current market share. Statement and Causes of the problem Meditech’s main problem is that a bullwhip effect was produced due to organizational and supply chain problems. The method used by Meditech to balance customer demands with planned production is not effectively serving  its purpose. The catalogue of products being offered by Meditech continues to grow and replacing current items, making obsolete old products that are in their catalogue and current customer orders. Poor customer demands forecasting, long assembly lead times, and changing products are the main reason why inventory levels are not enough to satisfy customer’s demands. While the assembly lines try to keep with demand and company’s resources are getting exhausted trying to launch a new product, the distributors then will increase their product demand, which causes a bottle neck effect as it moves up the supply chain process. As the initial demand slows down there are still backup of high demand of inventory being produced. This cycle would repeat again as new products are being released to the market. Due to these problems, Meditech supply chain and management has created a poor customer service. Another problem of Meditech is communication. There is not enough communication between main operations departments in the company; this is causing information to become distorted as it makes its way through the supply chain line. The lack of communication and information increases the firm’s lead to demand variation as orders or demand is being process through the supply chain systems and departments. In consequence, distributors are feeling the effect by long waiting periods of time, thus this also causes them to place larger orders in an effort to help them compensate the waiting time. Panic ordering by distributors is caused by lack of communication and in turn leads into the problem of the bullwhip effect. Meditech’s current distribution system is inefficient and obviously is causing an inflated demand of products. There is not enough information being shared among distributors and Meditech’s operations. Each distributor receives orders from different regional warehouse, which makes it hard to see the bullwhip effect. The organization’s forecasting system is also confronting serious problems. The current organization’s forecast system is determined by marketing and finance departments on an annual basis. The annual forecast is then broken down into monthly and weekly forecasts and is frequently adjusted by Central Planners according to market trends. Meditech has realized that leads to forecasting problems when they try to introduce new  products. The organization realizes that they are unable to effectively predict demand for new products, which causes large demand fluctuations and backorders. Decision Criteria & Alternative solutions + Recommended Solution, Implementation and Justification Meditech can try few alternatives process to reduce demand variation and the possibility of panic ordering. The company should improve how customer ordering is processed, they should more effectively share demand information, and increase lead times on new products. The forecast methods needs to be upgraded to reflect current needs, the company should also introduce vendor managed inventory and an e-commerce web site to share information with its customers. All of these functions should be centralized and shared among all of the supply chain channels that are involved. With improvements in forecasting it would be much cheaper and more efficient with the introduction of new products to stock finished goods inventory based on projected forecasts. By pushing is anticipating the fluctuations in demands that may be caused with the introduction of a new product. Meditech will now have products available exactly when the customer needs them, and will no longer be forced into back order. A push strategy will also allow Meditech to be more confident in their inventory policies and should allow them to lower their current inventory policy to a level that is more economical and feasible. Q1) Meditech’s problem in introducing new products. In manufacturing ALL products. Meditech introduces 1 new product per month on an average. Most of the new products are only upgrades of old products. This considerably reduces the life-cycle of the products. Majority of Meditech customers are Material Managers whose primary focus is on cost and delivery schedules but not on innovative product features. Though no major problems arise  products int   from assembly line perspective, signs of cognitive dissonance may arise in customers. No attempt is made by Meditech to understand the Demand Dynamics along the product lifecycle. Qualitative factors that have been identified as critical success drivers for a new product launch are time-to-market relative to competition or product diffusion. But Meditech does not launch new products relative to competition and by constantly pushing new innovations into the market it does not allow its products to diffuse effectively into the market. Every new product launch requires a lead time of around 5-19 weeks (excluding design phase lead time) which is very high. With every product launch, pushing the product into the market becomes the primary consideration of the sales force thereby neglecting customer service for older products. These constant launches have led to: †¢Ã‚  Supply side shortages †¢Ã‚  Delayed deliveries (6 weeks) †¢Ã‚  Low customer service †¢Ã‚  Low customer satisfaction †¢Ã‚  Inaccurate forecasts †¢Ã‚  High FG inventory levels The product portfolio of Meditech comprises about 200 separate end-products and the number is increasing. These wide ranges of products make Meditech rely heavily on suppliers wherein the lead time is 2-16 weeks. So practising JIT, which would be very effective for Meditech, becomes impossible in this case. Meditech organizational structure has a long scalar chain. Information dissemination becomes difficult here if there are too many products in the portfolio. Q2) Cause of the problems, systematically and organizationally ISHIKAWA FISH-BONE DIAGRAM WAS USED TO DISSECT THE CAUSE AND EFFECT Q3) Why is customer service manager the first person to recognize the major issues? The scalar chain from Customer Service Manager to the Customer Service Representative is only of two steps. The representatives work in direct contact with dealers and affiliates and are often in direct contact with hospital personnel i.e. their consumers. A general rule of thumb is â€Å"If you want the best feedback, ask your consumers†. This network would have proved effective for feedback-information flow. Mr. Dan Franklin himself held many meetings with hospital material managers. This brought forth the level of dissatisfaction amongst his customers, Meditech’s poor service levels and improper delivery schedules. Q4) How would you fix these problems? The foremost thing we would do is implement an ERP System costing around $100,000. This would help in better data storage & warehousing, analysis and forecasting. We would reduce the frequency of new product launches. We would prefer a leaner product portfolio. We would lay emphasis on better forecasts with a shorter horizon of 1-2 months. We would maintain a safety stock so as to provide a service level of 95%. We would work to reduce the assembly cycle time from the current level of 2 weeks. We would look for new and better supplier relations to reduce the supplier lead time from the current level of 2-16 weeks. References 1. (Bass 1969, Krishnan 2000) 2. (Porter 1985, Kailash and Lilien 1986)

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Choices And Change An Accidental Pregnancy - 1535 Words

Choices And Change Imagine finding out you are pregnant. Imagine that you are in between jobs and worried about paying this months rent. Women should not have to worry about an accidental pregnancy because they lack the funding necessary for birth control. While women still fight to get birth control covered by insurance, men’s Viagra is covered under most health insurance companies since 1998. Opposers of birth control will always be there, but the facts of this matter out weigh any claim they have. Birth control can be used not only to help prevent unexpected pregnancies, treat serious illness, treat acne, reduce the risk of cancer, and also to help women who could be at risk for heart problems or even death if they became pregnant. By†¦show more content†¦Birth control such as the pill can be used to regulate menstrual cycles and balancing hormones. There are many other benefits for women taking birth control. It has been known to reduce the risk of cancer, help w omen who could be at risk of heart problems if they became pregnant. Many woman use birth control to become financially and emotionally ready or organized before conceiving a child. Birth control such as the pill can reduce and control outbreaks of acne in teenage girls. One of the most common uses, regulates regulates the acne of women going through puberty. The issues that women struggle with can be difficult for many men to completely grasp, with the gender pay gap. Meaning that not only do women have to pay for birth control, but they have less funds to pay for it than the men in their field. Making an informed decision based upon facts that the male population has no knowledge of could negatively affect the female population drastically. One of the main problems with having such a large and powerful male dominated society, for women at least, is that men do not always align there thoughts or influence with the problems that only women face. For example most men do not think abo ut the complications of having to navigate around a worldShow MoreRelatedControversy of Abortions Essay example547 Words   |  3 Pagesopinion are long and sometimes even brutal. Both sides have strong supporting arguments: pro-lifers base on moral principals, which is life before birth, while pro-choicers defend political and social rights, such as right to privacy and right of choice. Neither side can be absolutely right or wrong; basically it is a matter of personal opinion. Mine is that although the abortion is originally wrong, in many cases it must be a legal option. Abortion is immoral. The statement a woman has aRead MoreAbortion: Pro-Life or Pro-Choice Essay1130 Words   |  5 Pagesbe seen. Theres the pro-life side, which is the side that is against abortion. The next is the pro-choice side, which is the side that supports abortion. The two rival sides of this topic have a strong fire burning between them, making this one of the biggest political and moral debates of my lifetime. Whichever side you stand on, there are good arguments on either side. I personally am pro-choice. But look at the facts and see which side fits best. Pro-life is a term that describes the perspectivesRead MoreAgainst Or Forward About Abortion1749 Words   |  7 Pages2012 Merriam-Webster dictionary defines abortion as, â€Å"The termination of a pregnancy after, accompanied by, resulting in, or closely followed by the death of the embryo or fetus as a spontaneous expulsion of a human fetus during the first 12 weeks of gestation--miscarriage, the induced expulsion of a human fetus, or the expulsion of a fetus by a domestic animal often due to infection at any time before completion of pregnancy.† Abortions have always been and will always be a controversial topic. Read MoreThe Social Problem With Teenage Pregnancy1358 Words   |  6 PagesThe social problem with teenage pregnancy is one to be aware of. Throughout the years we have seen the numbers all across the spectrum. This being, the number of pregnant teenage girls has decreased in recent years, but on the other hand, has also been pretty high ten to twenty years ago. 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Wade was the 1973 US Supreme court case that made abortion legal in the United States. Abortion should be the woman’s choice. The US supreme court has declared abortion to be a fundamental right that is guaranteed by the US Constitution. Reproductive rights also give women a sense of empowerment, as they are in control of their bodies. Concluding with t hese, death and injuryRead MoreHealthy People 2020975 Words   |  4 Pageseffective therapy prevention; can delay the chance of DM and improve the quality of life for Americans. 4. Family Planning- Education and improvement in pregnancy planning can prevent many unwanted or unplanned pregnancies. For countless women, these clinics are their source and support to health care The estimated costs of these pregnancies were $11 billion in 2006, which included prenatal care, delivery, post- partum care and infant care up to one year (Healthy People, n.d.). 5. 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