Monday, December 23, 2019

Tuition And Other Eligible Expenses With A Student Loan...

Covering tuition and other eligible expenses with a student loan and making no payments while in school is an adequate, but a stressful alternative to achieve a college education. Personally coming from a Hispanic family, reaching college level education was not a priority. Going to college for a young Mexican individual who is born and raised in Santa Maria, California is a difficult objective to sustain. Personally, my parents never got the chance to finish their education. Both of my parents are very hard working individuals; who devoted their lives to work in the strawberry fields to provide a better life for their children. My parent’s dreams were simply to keep my siblings and me away from the strawberry fields. Sadly, my parents wanting me to obtain a higher education and them being able to actually provide it for me were two very different stories. My parents worked very hard to simply put food on the table. I knew my parents helping me to finance my college education was not going to happen. Especially, when I started working in the strawberry fields myself. I worked to simply provide for my own unnecessary experiences. During those times I saw higher education as a luxury due to the fact it was highly unlikable I would be able to afford it. One thing was certain, I knew that no matter what I did I wasn’t going to work in the strawberry fields for the rest of my life. I promised myself during senior year of high school, that I would do everything in my power toShow MoreRelatedReasons For Why Student Dropout1257 Words   |  6 PagesI live in a small town and all the students I’ve seen that dropped out said how their financial aid didn’t cover their college expenses. I love where I am from but I refuse to go back to Plymouth because my financial aid wouldn’t cover everything. 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