Monday, November 25, 2019

Medical Billing Essays

Medical Billing Essays Medical Billing Paper Medical Billing Paper Medical billing process transpires between an insurance company and a healthcare provider. Basically, in order for healthcare providers to obtain payment and be indemnified for the services they provided, they necessarily submit and follow up medial billing claim to the insurance companies. The imbursement of a claim is based on a precise amount previously agreed by the insurance company and healthcare provider. Initially, the insurance company will verify the authenticity of the medical billing claim that was presented for payment. If for what ever reason the medical billing claim did not meet the insurance company’s standards, then the billing will be rejected and the claim will be consequently denied. Several people do not understand that the procedure of filing medical billing claims is very strenuous, energy-draining and time consuming for the healthcare providers. In addition, it takes 60 to120 days to collect the claims’ imbursements (American Business Systems). Unfortunately, as a result over 30 percent of these claims are continually being rejected. However, healthcare providers have two fundamental alternatives to avoid or at least reduce the rejection of claims; by hiring at least one dependable staff, or by hiring reliable independent medical verifiers. The additional staffs are assigned in filing the time-consuming and labor intensive medical billing claims. If the medical billing claim is rejected, the staffs are then duty bound to find out what caused the rejection, solve it, and re-submit the claim. On the other hand, with the same responsibilities, medical verifiers present a useful outsourcing alternative for the healthcare providers. Unlike most healthcare providers, these verifiers generally use their computers to make more efficient the medical billing process. Nevertheless, to eliminate or at least reduce the number of rejected claims, these appointed assistants must carefully complete the required claim forms, by carefully searching out the correct codes placed in the medical problem and treatment of the insured; make sure that significant terms are not misused; and must be aware on what services are covered and who are eligible for the medical coverage. Every minute detail on the paperwork must therefore be filled out carefully and correctly. Reference American Business Systems. (n. d. ). How American Business Systems’ state-of-the-art, Real-time Electronic Medical Billing solves billing challenges for doctors†¦and lets you build a stable, high-profit business. Retrieved February 13, 2009, from absystems. com/real-time-electronic-medical-

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